A plan for a 'nobody',

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

I finished reading the book ‘Hand me another brick’ recently, which was written by Charles Swindoll and in one of the latter chapters he was observing the differences between the ‘nobody’s’ and the ‘somebody’s of this world.  A week ago, after listening to the Father’s Day message, I was thinking about what kind of legacy others have left behind and also what I am leaving.

To many souls in North America, the child in the attached photo is a ‘nobody’ who happens to live in Haiti.  He attends one of the Lutheran Schools in Gonaives and on this particular day in March it was hot; like it usually is in his school every day.  He speaks Creole and is learning French, walks to school and is happy to be there.  His home probably has a dirt floor, no running water, no electricity, no food and he sleeps in the same room with his parents and siblings.  By ‘our’ standards he most certainly is a ‘nobody’.  God didn’t create this child or you or me to be a nobody; He has a plan specially designed for each of us.

Our Triune God calls the lesser of this world to accomplish many tasks that clergy cannot do in many instances.  I came across a story recently about a doctor that became quite ill and one day a volunteer from his Church went to visit this Christian doctor and found him to be greatly improved and free from fear.  The doctor told of a visit that he had a few hours earlier with an older Christian surgeon who had prayed with him and given him a special prescription from the above verse from Joshua.  This doctor had been touched by God’s Word and not through a pastor’s care but by a fellow Christian.

This young Haitian child is being molded to touch another life or lives with the Gospel message; a ‘nobody’ bringing news to a ‘somebody’ really special, to another nobody.  There are many nobodies in North America supporting the school feeding program at this Christian school, helping this young child to be something special for our Triune God.

Mr. Swindoll wrote about a drive that he and his family took in California and happened to drive past a Military Cemetery with rows and rows of white crosses and he commented on how these seemingly ‘nobodies’ buried in that hill had played an important role in securing our freedom.  It was a very fitting comment, especially when you consider the work of this child, and the work of Trinity HOPE volunteers and donors.  I don’t know what you have done or accomplished for this child and I don’t know how God will use him; I just know that He will, He has a divine plan for this child’s life, for your life and for my life.

Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown.  Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Amen.

May God be with you,
