“And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Acts 2:21
The Bible tells us quite plainly that ‘everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved’ and yet there are people who just don’t seem to call upon Jesus as their Savior. Why do you suppose that some people will believe you when you tell them there are four billion stars in the Heavens but stop and touch the wall when you say that the paint is still wet?
At times it is difficult to share the truth in a world full of falsehoods; tales of deception spun by the prince of lies and spread like warm butter on soft bread by evil trolls in a world with wide-eyed people looking for something better that they can devour more easily. They need Jesus.
The two Lutheran boys staring at a missionary in Cap Haitian know about Jesus, they call upon His name and they will be saved. I heard a song recently called ‘Take the Name of Jesus with you’ that was written by Lydia Baxter in 1874 just four days before died at the age of 65; what a way to leave a legacy. We all need to be reminded daily how precious and powerful the Name of Jesus really is and the promises that come to us when we call upon Him in prayer.
“Take the Name of Jesus with you, child of sorrow and of woe, it will joy and comfort give you; take it then, where’er you go. Precious Name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of Heav’n. Precious Name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of Heav’n. Take the Name of Jesus ever, as a shield from every snare; if temptations round you gather, breathe that holy Name in prayer. Precious Name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of Heav’n. Precious Name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of Heav’n. O the precious Name of Jesus! How it thrills our souls with joy, when His loving arms receive us, and His songs our tongues employ! Precious Name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of Heav’n. Precious Name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of Heav’n. At the Name of Jesus bowing, falling prostrate at His feet, King of kings in Heav’n we’ll crown Him, when our journey is complete. Precious Name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of Heav’n. Precious Name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of Heav’n.”
Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.
May God be with you,