Who am I?

“And Moses said unto God, who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?” Exodus 3:11 (KJV) 

How many times have we been in the same predicament as Moses and told God “who am I to do your work?”  Too often we question God’s motives for using us as surely, He knows our limitations.  How do you say NO?  A man that I respect uses the following that I too have come to use at times when asked to do something that I don’t feel is within my abilities; “You know, I don’t think that will be a good match for my schedule at this time.”  Trust me, this reply works really well; thanks Pastor Luke.

Jonah didn’t have a choice as God sent a great fish to rescue him from drowning and swallow him and later spit him out on a beach and then repeated His marching orders, go to Nineveh!  Have there been any trips to Nineveh that you have either placed on hold or just decided not to go there?  There have been a few times when I had been planning to take a mission team to Haiti when members of this world’s genius clubs were telling me to just stay home when planning, coordination and financing were taking a toll on my life.

I have spoken with a few people who won’t give so much as a dime to help provide a meal for a child attending a Lutheran school in Haiti.  Their response is to let their parents take care of them like we do here; be careful what you do or say, God has a way to nudge you to do His work.  Our Triune God has a plan for your life, you were put here for a reason; His reason.  Don’t be swayed by the ‘thinkers’ of this world and follow the wisdom of this world.  Seek His wisdom through prayer and follow in the direction that the Holy Spirit nudges you.  Whether your gifts and directions are to be used to feed children in Haiti or the homeless in your community, follow His lead for your life.  I close today with the words to the hymn ‘Every morning mercies new’ that was written by Greville Phillimore in 1863.

“Every morning mercies new fall as fresh as morning dew; every morning let us pay tribute with the early day; for Thy mercies, Lord, are sure, Thy compassion doth endure.  Still the greatness of Thy love daily doth our sins remove; daily, far as east from west, lifts the burden from the breast; gives un-bought to those who pray strength to stand in evil day.  Let our prayers each morn prevail that these gifts may never fail; and as we confess the sin
and the Tempter's power within, feed us with the Bread of Life; fit us for our daily strife.  As the morning light returns, as the sun with splendor burns, teach us still to turn to Thee, ever-blessed Trinity.  With our hands our hearts to raise in unfailing prayer and praise.”

Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown.  Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Amen.

May God be with you,
