
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true and proper worship.”  Romans 12:1

Wow…this is the last Saturday and day in August; already.  My youngest child turned 44 yesterday.  I am so old.  My memory is getting to the point that I find it hard to recall stuff from back in the day.  But, one of the first images that comes to mind when I read this passage from Romans was the choir at Bon Berger Eglise Lutherienne in Caredeux.  This photo was taken in October 2010 which is the year of the earthquake and sad to say, there were several voices missing.

I was blessed to have sung with this group on a few occasions while living in Haiti; back in the day.  I am not certain if my voice was pleasing to God in the proper sense, probably brought joy to Him listening to my broken Creole; I tried.  And the other choir and congregation members got a good chuckle out of my broken Creole.

When I look at the faces in the choir, see photos of the children attending that school and also think about several of you…the term ‘living sacrifice’ comes alive.  Turning lives over to our Triune God is certainly not an easy thing to do; it is the right thing to do.  This world will provide ample reasons why not to turn your life over to Christ and follow the foolishness of this age and the lies of satan.

Thank you for your sacrifice that feeds His children in Haiti.  Thank you for the sacrifice you daily give to Him in the face of this world.  The following Offertory is sung by me every morning and evening in my devotion time as it reminds me of how important it is to always remember to joy of Salvation and I hope it is a part of your daily prayers as well.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me, cast me not away from Thy presence; and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.  Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation; and uphold me with Thy free spirit.  Amen.”  Lutheran Hymnal

Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown.  Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Amen.

May God be with you,
