Trinity HOPE



“If the iron is blunt, and one does not sharpen the edge, he must use more strength, but wisdom helps one to succeed.” Ecclesiastes 10:10

The dictionary has the following definitions for the word ‘success’; “achievement of intention: the achievement of something planned or attempted.  Attainment of fame, wealth, or power.  Something that turns out well: something that turns out as planned or intended.”  The Haitian word for ‘success’ is siksè.  How do you define success?

If you turn on the television early in the morning you are bound to find infomercials promoting products that will give you success.  Go to the dentist office and open a magazine that has an article on how to find success.  What brings success?

Wisdom brings about success; good wisdom comes from God.  The plates in this photo are filled with food at the school in Bois Marchand and this did not come about by accident.  Volunteers with Trinity HOPE sought out wisdom from our Heavenly Father so that the feeding of children attending Christian schools in Haiti might be successful.  We are still seeking His guidance seeking ways to raise the bar of excellence and lower the prices of the meals.

There are other feeding programs in Haiti that have not succeeded and I can only imagine that they were plans by men and not of God.  When plans are from the pride of men and not from our Heavenly Father, they will in time fail.  Chuck Swindoll recently wrote that “Wisdom may not give us great popularity and wealth and it may not mean that we will be the most respected in our field or that we will have the most significant voice in the company, but ultimately, as God gauges it, we will be successful.”  Start your plans by seeking His wisdom and give thanks while you enjoy your successful endeavor.  I close today with the words from the song ‘Taste and see’ that was written by Lowell Alexander.

“Taste and see that the LORD is good; you've tried everything that you thought you could; taste and see that His love is real.  Open up right now and let your heart be filled with peace overflowing, joy everlasting.  Love so amazing taste life so exciting, hope so inviting.  All who are crying to be free; taste and see, taste and see, taste and see.  Taste and see that His Word is true.  You've been hurt before but He won't lie to you.  Taste and see never thirst again; every broken heart Jesus Christ will mend.  You'll never know ‘til you try, you'll never live ‘till you die to yourself and find for yourself that He's good.  You'll never see with your eyes until your heart realizes that He is all that you need; taste and See.”

Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown.  Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Amen.

May God be with you,

