We have a faith filled peace.

We have a faith filled peace.

"Because I live, you also will live."  John 14:19

There was a 7.5 magnitude earthquake in Japan a few weeks ago that opened my memory bank back to Haiti.  At 4:45 PM on January 12, 2010 a strong earthquake struck below the mountains on the Southern claw of Haiti; bringing destruction from Port-au-Prince to the city of Leogand.  There were an estimated 350,000 lives lost and more injured and the majority of the survivors were left homeless.  A person from my home congregation in Lincoln asked me "What do people do at such a time when they don't have Jesus?"  We have peace and know that we are saved because of what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross; but what about the lost that died clinging to the lies of the vodou priest.

Following the quake, many Christians were glued to the internet and CNN watching video streaming live from PAP showing the desperation as search efforts were undertaken to rescue the living and later recover the dead.  What did the unbelievers do without a Savior to help them?  Haiti claims to be over 80% Christian but you need to factor in that an estimated 65% of the county actively practices vodou.  You cannot serve the Lord and the devil too.
In the days following the quake, stories began to make the news of Christians singing hymns of thanksgiving to their Triune God and praying out loud in the dark streets in the evenings.  Faith, their faith, was alive in the camps where they had found refuge.  Their faith was encouraging others to give thanks for their life as they had more work to accomplish for their Heavenly Father.

The vodou priests had no reply for the strong earthquake; the power of the Triune God silenced their efforts to bring people to continue to fear their evil spirits.  Their ‘religion’ could only bring additional fear, pain and suffering and could not bring any comfort for the vodou followers; all the priests could do was to watch as their followers limped through this tragedy.  Our Triune God has done so much for His children as they grieve, give thanks, survive and as they rebuild.

There are clear differences between Christianity and vodou; we clearly see and understand that we need a Savior and the vodou followers need another daily ‘miracle’ from the vodou priest; for a price.  We need a Savior who will rescue us from our pains and problems; who will forgive us for our sins.  In the Person of Jesus, our loving Father has given us such a Savior.  In Jesus we have forgiveness of our sins and the promise that there is a world where there are no tragedies like Haiti has seen; we have a mansion prepared for us in Heaven.  This message is being taught to the children attending Christian schools in Haiti.  Your prayers and generous donations to Trinity HOPE are helping these children to take the message to the lost throughout the neighborhoods in Haiti.

Today let it be our prayer that the people of Haiti may be brought to this Savior who can help them in this life and bring them to the next; you know the place where there is no darkness and no tears.

Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown.  Give us faith to go out with good courage, 8not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Amen.

May God be with you,
