
“And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”” Luke 23:43

Throughout my years in the ministry, whenever I wanted to take the “Spiritual temperature” of someone who I was talking with, with their permission, I would ask them two questions, which have come to be known as diagnostic questions.  The first one was, “If you were to die tonight, are you sure you would go to heaven?”  The second one was, “If you were to die tonight, and were to stand in the presence of God, and He were to ask you, ‘Why should I let you into My heaven’, how would you answer?”

In response to the first question some have said, “yes”, they are sure they would go to heaven, and some have said “no”.  But most people answered that they were unsure.  In response to the second question, some have said that it wasn’t because of themselves and how they lived, but rather, it was because of Jesus and all that He did for us.  A few have said they wouldn’t know how to answer.  But the overwhelming majority responded by saying they would tell God that, although they are not perfect, they were basically good people who lived a good life.

 I believe that is the main reason why so many people are unsure about their salvation.  You see, when they focus on themselves and depend on themselves to go to Heaven, there is a lot of uncertainty there.  Deep inside every person, they know they are not worthy because of their sins.  This then creates worry, doubt, uncertainty and fear about their future, and that is a lousy way to live life.

This is why Jesus’ second word from the cross is just so important for us.  Jesus turns to the repentant criminal and says to him, “Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43)

Understand, the man to whom Jesus was speaking was a convicted criminal.  He was a bad dude, one who truly deserved to be put to death.  He even admits that.  When the other criminal shouted out insults at Jesus, this man responded, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.” (Luke 23:40-41)

It is obvious that this man was not saved by how he lived his life and what he did, because what he did was pure evil.  So why did Jesus say to this man, “Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”?

Well, the answer is grace, God’s grace, absolute unconditional love.  For his whole life this man trusted in himself and felt no need for the Lord.  He said what he wanted to say.  He did what he wanted to do.  This man was his own god.  But now, with everyone there speaking against Jesus, mocking Him, cursing Him, swearing at Him, this man dared to stand up for Jesus.  Something happened here.  Something touched the heart, the soul of this man.  Somehow, the Holy Spirit opened his eyes to the truth and he knew he was in the presence of the King of kings.  So, with a repentant and remorseful heart he rebuked the other criminal, and having made his confession of sin and faith, he turned to Jesus and said, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom” (Luke 23:42).  His faith, his confidence, his hope was not in himself anymore, but in Jesus.  Because of that, Jesus turns to this awful, horrible person and says to him, “Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in paradise.”  Is that grace or what!

How often have you felt like that criminal?  How often have you trusted in yourself rather than the Lord?  How often have you realized that your prayers are half-hearted, and your faith is lukewarm?  How often have you done your will rather than God’s will?  The truth is you are guilty of many, many sins, just like that criminal and just like everyone of us.

Thank God that your salvation and mine does not depend on us, but on the King of kings who faced God’s ultimate capital punishment on that cross so that we might be freed from all those sins that condemn us to death!

No matter what you are facing, there is absolutely no reason for you to worry or doubt or be uncertain or fear anything about your future.  Because of God’s amazing grace, you just need to be like that criminal and with a repentant, faithful, loving and grateful heart, simply say to your Lord, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”  His promise of forgiveness is true, salvation is true, paradise is true.  This is what gives to you such a joyful and confident hope that nothing can take away, not even death itself.  All Praise to the King of kings!

Father, it is by Your grace that we become righteous through the blood of Christ.  And it is this grace that enables us to stand before You fully acceptable in Your sight.  For this grace we praise You with our whole heart.  Please, through Your Spirit, fill our hearts with a living faith that cannot be shaken, and a love for You that remains strong in the face of a world that mocks You and turns away from You.  Work powerfully in us that we may be at peace and filled with hope in that promise of paradise that Jesus has made to us.  For we pray in the name of the King of Kings. Amen

Keith Enko