“Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.” Psalm 16:1-2
I can still see John Hall look at me and in his warm Tennessee accent tell me “Ain’t God good?” Yes John, God is oh so good. I realize that not everything on this side of Heaven that happens in your life is going to be good or the way you wanted it to be. But God is good; and He is pouring out His goodness into your life here in North America and also in Ouanaminthe, Haiti where these kids live.
The circumstances may be very difficult in their lives and your life right now, but God can take the bad and bring good out of it; you’ve seen that happen. Even in the worst times, you can trust this: God has a good purpose, a good plan, and a good reason. The above verses from Psalm 16 tell us that no matter where you are in life right now, you could use a reminder of God’s goodness. And sometimes the best way to remember something is to talk with God about it through prayer. I have been intentionally spending more time in prayer with God in 2023. He desires it and I need it.
“God, You are so good. I could never deserve Your goodness. I’m sorry that I have often forgotten or doubted Your goodness. Forgive me for my ungratefulness and pride. I am nothing without You. Like King David, I would despair if I didn’t know Your goodness. Open my eyes to see how good You really are and let Your goodness transform my life. The greatest example of God’s goodness is Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. You, these Haitian children and me won’t fully experience His goodness until we experience His salvation. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.” Now, may God go before you to guide you...may His hands be beneath you to support you, around you to protect you and above you to bless you. And may the blessings of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with you today and every moment along your journey until you reach Paradise. Amen.
May God be with you,