“Now the Israelites settled in Egypt in the region of Goshen. They acquired property there and were fruitful and increased greatly in number.” Genesis 47:27
I have a couple of stories for you this morning, first, I have a friend that whenever we meet, I ask “how are you doing Kelly?” and he always replies “richly blessed.” How I wish that I had that feeling every time, because I too am richly blessed, but this world still tells me I am blessed, but certainly not “richly blessed.” Hopefully, one day on this side of Heaven, I will be able to reply to people that I am truly “richly blessed.”
Part two of being richly blessed. The attached photo was taken on a scorcher of a day in August of 2001 at the port in Gonaives, Haiti. John Hall and I are standing next to a crate (John on the right, me on the left and the plywood crate is in the middle) that his congregation in Tennessee had shipped to Haiti that was full of clothes, computer things, cooking utensils, bedding, towels and other items.
Over the years, as I learned more about Trinity HOPE and my relationship with John grew closer, we would sit and talk about the program, where it would be best to grow next and how to lower the cost per meal. It was probably a couple of decades ago following a Trinity HOPE board meeting in Nashville that we talked about growth and where God would lead the program next…somewhat concerned with financial growth matching the number of schools that were ready for a feeding program.
At that time, as I recall, roughly 8,000 children were being fed and we pondered on how many years it would take to reach 10,000 children being fed. That level was attained not long after and we reached 13,500 children in 2011 and by January 2012 that number has grown to over 17,500 children in 91 schools and today; over 61,000 in 268 schools are richly blessed. Beni Soit L’Eternal!!!
I don’t have the words to describe my shock while realizing that number, nor will my mind embrace the blessings that our Triune God continues to pour out on those children in Haiti. You cannot ‘out plan’ God, you cannot out spend God and you cannot imagine where the limits of His endless love begin and end.
The feeding program continues to increase greatly in number. From 46 children in Tarasse twenty-five years ago to over 61,000 throughout Haiti; young missionaries are being prepared spiritually and physically to go and share the Gospel message of our Savior with the eyes that have not seen, the ears that have not heard and the hearts that have been hardened.
Thank you for your continued support for these children through Trinity HOPE. Give thanks to the One who has made this journey for these children, His children, who live in a land with so little but yet are filled with the joy of knowing their Savior and telling others how they are richly blessed with a meal each day from their Heavenly Father.
Dear Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.
May God be with you,