
“In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor. Acts 9:36

The seaport of Joppa will long be remembered because around 2,000 years ago a faithful church worker lived there, her name was Dorcas.  She is legendary because of her work for charity.  She was rich both in giving and in personal service, honoring God and helping her neighbor for Jesus’ sake.

During the midpoint of her lifetime, she became ill and died.  The grieving was hard by her fellow believers and we read on in Acts, “Peter went with them, and when he arrived, he was taken upstairs to the room.  All the widows stood around him, crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcas had made while she was still with them.  Peter sent them all out of the room; then he got down on his knees and prayed. Turning toward the dead woman, he said, “Tabitha, get up.”  She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up.  He took her by the hand and helped her to her feet. Then he called for the believers, especially the widows, and presented her to them alive.  This became known all over Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord.”
Have you ever met a person whose given name was ‘Dorcas’?  I’m sure that you have probably met someone with her attributes.  Along my journey, there have been many who are like Dorcas in their service to their Lord; women and men, young and old.  There are many children like the two girls from the Lutheran school in Pont Quenepe in the attached photograph who may have never met their “Dorcas” face to face, but will when their journey has ended and they receive their heavenly glory.  
There are many in the ranks of the Trinity HOPE supporters who could wear a “Dorcas” nametag when they get up and begin the next day of their journey, serving Him.  On behalf of these two children at Pont Quenepe in the Artibonite District, and the over 61,000 other children in the 268 Christian schools in Haiti, we say “Beni Soit L’Eternal!” (Praise the Lord!) for your continued support.

Dear Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown.  Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Amen.

May God be with you,
