Do you love these two?

“But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

A recent morning devotion from the Portals of Prayer had the above scripture reading, a message that revolved around love and it seemed to pair well with the attached photo of two girls living in Ouanaminthe, Haiti and their smiles tell you they have a Savior and are eating Trinity HOPE food.  How can you help but not love this photo?
“Have you ever loved someone?  Love causes us to reach out to another.  It causes us to make sacrifices.  We sacrifice our time, our money and sometimes our own desires.  Love binds a person to the thing that they love.  Loving is a risky business, because sometimes the one that we love does not and will not love us back.”  That was the opening message this morning from another one of my devotions; loving someone, reaching out and making various sacrifices.  Trinity HOPE supporters love their Savior, their Creator and their Comforter…and His children.  We make sacrifices sometimes and other times we just give.  I am guilty of that, giving without really considering how special the life is that my gift is touching…reaching out to a life that doesn’t know I exist.

At those times, the Holy Spirit uses my gift, my ‘sacrifice’ to touch that life with a blessing that will prayerfully place an ear to ear smile upon their face.  Not often we get to see such happiness, as in the two smiles in this photo.  They are genuine, they are real, they are thankful and they truly believe that you are a Godsend to them.  I pray that your financial sacrifice, your prayers and your love will continue to touch girls in white ribbons and boys in plaid shirts living in Ouanaminthe.

Now, may God go before you to guide you...may His hands be beneath you to support you, around you to protect you and above you to bless you.  And may the blessings of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with you today and every moment along your journey until you reach Paradise.  Amen.

May God be with you,
