Sharing the truth.

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  John 8:32

Sharing the truth to the lost is a precious and essential message for them, and also for our Triune God.  The lies of the vodou priest have for two centuries told the people of Haiti that Jesus Christ died on Good Friday and was buried and that was the end of him.  There was no resurrection and there will be no mansion in Heaven and God does not love those who still cling to the lies in the bible.

If the lost souls in Haiti cannot hear the truth, they have only a lie to believe as the truth of this world and that provides them with no hope, only fear.  I heard a song recently by Bill and Gloria Gaither called ‘Passin the faith’ and its words seem to reinforce what our purpose in life is in this world.

“The runner of a relay, finds in his baton the purpose for the runnin' and the strength to carry on.  We hold within our grasp, the faith that makes us strong and like the relay runner, we seek to pass it on.  Passin' the faith along to my brother, passin' the faith along.  Helpin' to build the faith of another, passin' the faith along.  Sharin' a word of faith with another, helpin' to make him strong.   Passin' the faith along to my brother, passin' the faith along.  Countless generations of saints have come and gone.  A spark ignites into a flame, and the faith continues on.  A challenge for the young, and assurance for the old.  The faith burns ever brighter, each time my story's told.  Passin' the faith along to my brother, passin' the faith along.  Helpin' to build the faith of another, passin' the faith along.  Sharin' a word of faith with another, helpin' to make him strong.  Passin' the faith along to my brother, passin' the faith along.”

These 198 young messengers are being prepared to pass their faith along to their brothers and sisters who are still in bondage to the neighborhood vodou priest and living in and believing the lies of satan. 

Thank you for helping to share the message of the truth of Jesus with the young messengers being fed by Trinity HOPE and living in Haiti, through your time, financial gifts and your prayers.  May your labors in North America bring many more living in Haiti into the Kingdom before your race comes to a close.

Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown.  Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Amen.

May God be with you…Jay