A heart for service.

"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Mark 10:45

I watched about 30 minutes of cable news recently; “NEWS FLASH”, we live in a fallen world.  We need to reflect the life and work of Jesus; we need to serve.  Father, it's a pretty awesome thing to be in Your service.  In our fallen world, it's a lot easier to begin and run a company, even a really big corporation, than it is to serve the body of Christ; we live in a fallen world.  We are told we are wasting ‘our’ time.  As sinful human beings, we see the outward appearance, but You look at the heart.  Our world will often reward achievements that everybody notices, but You reward those things that nobody knows about.  You reward motives behind the actions.  You reward generosity that is never publicly announced.  You reward sacrifice, which is what a humble servant is all about.  And so, Father, thank You for the joy of serving You; supporting Your work, believing in Your ministry, trusting You with our whole hearts, and not leaning on our own understanding.  Guide us, O Lord; continually.  Our desire is to serve You with quality, authenticity, humility, grace, mercy, and compassion.  May we serve better in deeds than in words.  Make us a people who have a heart for the whole world, not just our own little backyard.  Guard us from acts of the flesh, from foolish decisions, from rash actions, from impatient reactions, from promoting our unseen deeds, from micro-managing, from wanting the spotlight time, from selfish motives.  Lord, we hold You in highest esteem, our desire is to know Christ intimately, and in knowing Him, to model His life of service in an authentic manner.  We pray this in Jesus name. Amen.