“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1: 21
Dear Friends,
I greet you as a parent of two girls (well, young women now), but a parent indeed. The journey of parenthood is quite an adventure. It begins with great excitement and joy over the beautiful gift of each child – there are those sweet innocent smiles, uncontrolled laughter, messy meals, sweet smells, new accomplishments and hugs that make you melt. Yet along the way, some of that excitement is lost in the midst of the diapers, tantrums, crying, defiance, illnesses and regular life lessons they go through. Yet no matter what, we love them and would do anything to provide for them and protect them!
This month, we celebrate Christmas. It is a time of wonder, decorations, music, festivities, food and family. However, the very heart of this celebration is about our Father God and His love for each and every one of us as His children!
As we look upon our children and smile at their adventures, sweetness, accomplishments, developing personalities and more, we can’t help but love them. And when they disobey us, get hurt or do something we’ve told them countless times not to…the truth…we still love them!
So, it is with our heavenly Father. He loves us unconditionally. Whether we are honoring and obeying Him or whether we live in ways that are contrary to what is best for us – He still loves us. And that is what Christmas is all about! God our Father loves us so much that He did what is unthinkable to us as parents – He sent His own Son to save us. He gave His own Son to be judged & punished in our place. He then not only did that but rose victorious to give us life that we could be with Him forever.
As a parent, I believe I’d do anything to protect my girls. Well, God not only thought about such, but He did it. So, this Christmas, give thanks for your children and the privilege of providing for them and protecting them. But most of all – celebrate that God loves you so much that He sent His Son to save you, like He did for me!
May the Lord bless your Christmas celebration and surround you with all of His gifts of grace!
Rejoicing in and sharing God’s amazing grace,
Pastor James Rockey