On this side...

"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" Matthew 6:33

In all that we do on this side of Heaven, we should always first seek His direction for our plans.  North American mission teams should not build Churches on ground that is not already owned by the congregation; the local congregation should purchase the land first and then construct the foundation before a mission team leaves North America.  North American mission teams should not test God when there are many threats of being kidnapped confronting them; God closed the door, wait until another day.

These children attending school at Merrotte were not blessed with a Trinity HOPE feeding program until the Arcahaie District President, the school principal, teachers and parents fully understood what was expected of them to make the program work.  The prayers of those attending this school were not answered overnight; it came about in His time and in His way.

Too often we imagine that we are the ones in control and that generally provides satan with an opportunity to stir up a mess.  It can be a humbling experience to call upon Him when we have move forward relying upon our own wisdom and abilities.  Trinity HOPE is now feeding over 52,000 children in Haiti daily in 241 schools; this didn’t happen overnight.  He continues to bless this program.  I recently heard the hymn ‘Seek where ye may to find a way’ that was written by Georg Weissel in 1623 and I thought that its words are a fitting way to close this devotion.

“Seek where ye may to find a way that leads to your salvation; my heart is stilled, on Christ I build, He is the one Foundation.  His Word is sure, His works endure; He doth o'erthrow my every foe; through Him I more than conquer.  Seek whom ye may to be your stay; none can redeem his brother.  All helpers failed, this Man prevailed, the God-man, and none other.  Our Servant-Lord did help afford; we're justified, for He hath died, the Guiltless for the guilty.  Seek Him alone, Who did atone, Who did your souls deliver; yea, seek Him first, all ye who thirst for grace that faileth never.  In every need Seek Him indeed; to every heart He will impart His blessings without measure.  My heart's Delight, My Crown most bright, Thou, Jesus, art forever.  Nor wealth nor pride nor aught beside our bond of love shall sever.  Thou art my Lord; Thy precious Word shall be my guide, whate'er betide.  Oh, teach me, Lord, to trust Thee!  Hide not from me, I ask of Thee, Thy gracious face and favor.  Though floods of woe should o'er me flow, my faith shall never waver.  From pain and grief grant sweet relief; for tears I weep, Lord, let me reap Thy heavenly joy and glory.”

Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown.  Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Amen.

May God be with you…Jay