Love your neighbor.

“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3–4

These verses remind me of Jesus’ telling us to love our neighbors as ourselves.  And how often do we ask “who is our neighbor”?  Deep down inside our heart…we know very well what He meant.  Father, we who operate in such selfish realms often find ourselves preoccupied with stuff of our own.  We focus on messes we've made back in the yesterdays of our lives, consumed with fears of tomorrow, knowing our ability toward messing things up and uncertain about where this will lead.  And then, of all things, in this ever-present fallen world of ours, we find ourselves again preoccupied with what someone may think. or say or do or how we will look in their eyes.

Father, deliver us, if only for today; deliver us from our preoccupation with ourself.  Help us to envision You as King, the very essence of life in this fallen world of ours; God over all; God who forgives all messes, Who understands all frustrations, Who calms all fears; King who reigns over our lives supremely.  Because we have come to the cross and met You on Your terms, Lord, may we understand that Your will is really best, even when we cannot explain it, understand it, or for that matter, defend it or live like we have been redeemed.  You're King.  You're the Messiah, the Master.  We're the servants.  You're the Potter, we're the clay.  Whatever it is we are dealing with today, quiet our spirits.  Bring Your presence to our immediate attention.  May it shine more brightly than everything else.  May Your sovereignty reassure us and Your hand on our life humble us.  In the great name of Your Son, Jesus, our King we pray.  Amen.