We need hope.

“You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.  And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”  2 Timothy 2:1-2

Many theologians have said that this message could have very well been the Apostle Paul’s last words from a Roman prison.  At this time of writing, Paul knew it could be his final contact with Timothy because his execution was most likely imminent.  It is important to know what gives hope in the face of a painful death like the one Paul encountered.  Paul, in his letter to Timothy, gave two points that should keep a believer strong: gaining strength in the grace of Jesus Christ and gaining strength in all the testimonies in the Word of God.

Do you know people who might be in a similar situation as was facing Paul in prison?  You have most assuredly been entrusted with the Word of God throughout your life.  Are there reliable people within your voice or touch who will share your love of Jesus Christ and knowledge of the Word of God with others after you have gone?

The young girl in the photo is from Ouanaminthe.  She attends the Lutheran school there and she is praying; giving thanks for her noon meal and for people like you who are helping her to be qualified to teach others along her journey about the grace of Jesus Christ and God’s Holy Word.

I recently heard the song ‘Whispering Hope’ which was written by Septimus Winner in 1868.  The words reminded of this small child living on the Northern border of Haiti, in her own type of prison.  He soft witness will change lives because of your answering of His call to prepare others to share the Good News of a risen Savior.

“Soft as the voice of an angel, breathing a lesson unheard; hope with a gentle persuasion whispers her comforting word.  Wait till the darkness is over, wait till the tempest is done.  Hope for the sunshine tomorrow, after the shower is gone.  Whispering hope, oh, how welcome thy voice, making my heart in its sorrow rejoice.  If, in the dusk of the twilight, dim be the region afar; will not the deepening darkness brighten the glimmering star?  Then when the night is upon us, why should the heart sink away?  When the dark midnight is over, watch for the breaking of day.   Whispering hope, oh, how welcome thy voice, making my heart in its sorrow rejoice.  Hope, as an anchor so steadfast, rends the dark veil for the soul; whither the Master has entered, robbing the grave of its goal.  Come then, oh, come, glad fruition, come to my sad weary heart.  Come, O Thou blest hope of glory, never, oh, never depart.  Whispering hope, oh, how welcome thy voice, making my heart in its sorrow rejoice.”

Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown.  Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Amen.

May God be with you…Jay