
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 

I went through a Chuck Swindoll Bible study recently and he wrote this about pride; “Pride is a terrible trait, manifesting itself in our passion for the ‘best seats’; insisting on recognition, wanting to be noticed, longing for prominence, smarting when we’re not consulted or advised, dominating social situations.  It displays itself when we resist authority or become angry and defensive when crossed or challenged; when we harbor grudges, nurse grievances or wallow in self-pity.  It’s the drive behind our penchant for associating with the rich and famous rather than the little people who make up most of our world.” 

The Creole word for ‘pride’ is lògèy.  Pride rears its ugly head all over this world as satan continues to encourage us about how special we are; we are god’s children and we are as smart as and sometimes smarter than god.  As I was typing Mr. Swindoll’s description about pride I was reminded of several people, even a Lutheran Pastor, who had some of those traits.  If I were to highlight the areas where my pride was described there would be several highlighted words.  If you tried hard, you too could possibly find one that would fit into your life.  These children in Haiti also have lògèy.   

I take pride in my daughters and my grandchildren; they are from God.  I take pride in the work that Trinity/HOPE is accomplishing in Haiti; it is all happening because of God.  The parents of these Haitian children take pride in their accomplishments; again, gifts from God.  Taking pride in what ‘we’ have done is ugly and can be dangerous to our relationship with our Triune God.  Taking pride in what God has accomplished through us, relating that it is all from Him for His Glory is beautiful and fulfills His purpose for our lives.  I close with the words to the hymn ‘The will of God is always best’ that was written by Albrecht von Brandenburg in 1553. 

“The will of God is always best and shall be done forever; and they who trust in Him are blest, He will forsake them never.  He helps indeed In time of need, He chastens with forbearing; they who depend On God, their Friend, shall not be left despairing.  God is my Comfort and my Trust, my Hope and life abiding; and to His counsel wise and just, I yield in Him confiding.  The very hairs, His Word declares, upon my head He numbers. by night and day God is my Stay, He never sleeps nor slumbers.  Lord Jesus, this I ask of Thee, deny me not this favor: when Satan sorely troubles me, then do not let me waver.  Keep watch and ward, O gracious Lord, fulfill Thy faithful saying: who doth believe He shall receive an answer to His praying.  When life's brief course on earth is run and I this world am leaving, grant me to say: "Thy will be done." by faith to Thee still cleaving.  My heavenly Friend, I now commend my soul into Thy keeping, o'er sin and hell, and death as well, through Thee the victory reaping.” 

Dear Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown.  Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Amen. 

May God be with you…Jay