God knows you.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

The Apostle Paul could have added that in our lifetime, there will be some problems; people with rough edges, painful situations but we can be certain that God will be with us, work with us as we move through our journey of serving Him. 

Our Heavenly Father knows satan, his every move; how he reacts under pressure; what's important to him; God knows everything about him.  The vodou priest that lives near these young girls who attend the Lutheran school in Les Cayes knows that their Holy Spirit is much more powerful than the legion of evil spirits that through satan he can call down upon their lives; but he will not stop trying to fill their lives with fear and lies to persuade them to turn away from Christ. 

Our Heavenly Father is never the initiator of evil; trials, troubles and fearful situations.  He sometimes allows these troublesome events to happen, as only He can bring good from them.  These girls in Les Cayes and you and I will surely face problems in our lives but we can always be comforted that our Triune God is always with us, protecting, delivering and loving us each moment along our journey.  Today we close with the words to the hymn ‘I Leave all things to God's Direction’ which was written by Salomo Franck in 1685. 

“I leave all things to God's direction, He loveth me in weal and woe; His will is good, true His affection.  With tender love His heart doth glow.  My Fortress and my Rock is He: what pleaseth God, that pleaseth me.  My God hath all things in His keeping, He is the ever faithful Friend; He grants me laughter after weeping, and all His ways in blessings end.  His love endures eternally: what pleaseth God, that pleaseth me.  The will of God shall be my pleasure while here on earth is mine abode; my will is wrong beyond all measure, it doth not will what pleaseth God.  The Christian's motto e'er must be: what pleaseth God, that pleaseth me.  God knows what must be done to save me, His love for me will never cease; upon His hands He did engrave me with purest gold of loving grace.  His will supreme must ever be!  What pleaseth God, that pleaseth me.  My God desires the soul's salvation, me also He desires to save; therefore with Christian resignation all earthly troubles I will brave. His will be done eternally: what pleaseth God, that pleaseth me.” 

Dear Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown.  Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Amen.  

May God be with you…Jay