“The Lord says to my lord: “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.” The Lord will extend your mighty scepter from Zion, saying, “Rule in the midst of your enemies!” Your troops will be willing on your day of battle. Arrayed in holy splendor, your young men will come to you like dew from the morning’s womb.” Psalm 110:1-3
I happened to read a quote from Laura Story that I had scribbled down some time back and thought it would be a worthy piece of wisdom to share with you this Monday morning. Laura said, “It’s not what we walk through; it’s HOW we walk through what we walk through.” I’m not certain what is on your agenda today but you are richly blessed. You got up and could drink the water in your shower if you wanted without getting sick and the temperature was just the way you liked it. You could decide what you wanted to eat and drink before heading out the door to your job…richly blessed. I’m always amazed at the posture of the children in schools with feeding programs; their heads are more upright and usually adorned with a bright smile…richly blessed. Please spend some time today and consider How you are walking through…what you are walking through. I am closing today with the words from the hymn ‘Savior, again to Thy Dear Name we raise’ that were written by John Ellerton in 1866.
“Savior, again to Thy dear name we raise with one accord our parting hymn of praise. Once more we bless Thee ere our worship cease, then, lowly bending, wait Thy word of peace. Grant us Thy peace upon our homeward way; with Thee began, with Thee shall end, the day; guard Thou the lips from sin, the hearts from shame, that in this house have called upon Thy name. Grant us Thy peace, Lord, through the coming night; turn Thou for us its darkness into light. From harm and danger keep Thy children free, for dark and light are both alike to Thee. Grant us Thy peace throughout our earthly life, our balm in sorrow and our stay in strife; then, when Thy voice shall bid our conflict cease, call us, O Lord, to Thine eternal peace.”
Dear Heavenly Father, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.
May God be with you…Jay