Share the HOPE is a ‘Do It Yourself’ (DIY) fundraising event. It is all about sharing the HOPE we have in Jesus Christ with over 30,000 children each school day in Haiti by providing a meal of rice and beans. Your event can happen any time throughout the year or you can pair it with a special date (National Cookout Day July 6th, National Yardsale Day August 8th, International Day of Yoga June 21st). You pick!
You can do whatever you want with whomever you want to raise funds and awareness for Trinity HOPE. You can have a local event or a virtual event, it is totally up to you! Keep in mind social distancing while having fun. Use your creativity and passion to raise funds for the children of Haiti, to fill their bellies and teach them about the good news of Jesus Christ.
We are here to support you and your event. We have tips and reminders to share regarding many of the ideas mentioned above. Our Share the HOPE Coordinator will follow-up with you once you have registered your event, as well as before and after your event to provide support. We are here to assist you in Sharing the HOPE however we can!
Wine Tasting
5-course meal
School Year Kickoff
Birthday Party
Trivia Night
Cooking Lessons
Painting Lessons
Craft Night
Rubber Duck Race (Goat Race)
Goat Yoga….
Ex: How to Plan a Cookout Fundraising Event
Decide on a location and make plans for inclement weather. You can have a cookout in a backyard, campgrounds or a public park. If hosting at a venue other than a private home, find out what sort of grilling is allowed and what time the locale opens and closes. Plan food and beverages based on the number of people attending and provide cutlery, cups and plates. Set an entry fee/donation or fundraising minimum to attend.
Charge an Entrance Fee
Set out a Donation Basket
Get sponsorship per mile
If you are ready to get started with planning your Share the HOPE event, we are ready to help you! Please fill out the box below with your information and a little bit about your event. Our Share the HOPE Coordinator will be in touch to learn more about your event and any support needed. We can provide you posters and brochures for your event, a video to share with your attendees about the mission of Trinity HOPE and even a donation page if needed, to collect online donations.
Overview of Trinity HOPE
Mother’s Fear
Help Us Feed More Children